Tuesday, July 8, 2008

drinking coffee in bialystock

I am officially in the town where my dad's parents come from. It is not quite as pretty as Krakow!!! But it is interesting, less full of tourists and definitely in the eastern block. I've been taken in by a very sweet guy who was picking up a friend from the station. He's young, very sweet and has let me stay in his flat for two nights... :-) The flat is located in a suburb filled with multi coloured blocks. It feels very surreal, like i'm on a film set of something about 30 years ago.
I've just been to Jurowieca 5, which is the address I had of dad's parents. No trace really of any houses or flats as it's now a market. I wasn't really expecting to find anything but bought a whole bunch of fresh cherries..

My next mission is to visit the Churches. I believe the "Chalef" family may have had something to do with the carving of the church pews. I'm on the trail people..

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